Intro | My Story

Growing up, the many aspects of my childhood impacted me as a person more than I could have imagined. Growing up in a creative, open, musical and tight-knit family shaped my morals and values greatly. Possibly the most important part of my life is my family. I grew up with my cousins as my best friends (whether I loved that at the time was debatable) and family gatherings occurring at regular intervals. With this came community, which in my eyes combines family and friends who you know are always going to be around. Not friends you meet by chance but friends you are almost forced to like which has produced some of the most strong and long-lasting friends in my life. Music and creativity go hand in hand in my life. Growing up, my mother was a singer and my father worked in many creative industries including A&R Management. Being surrounding my so many talented, open-minded and creative people really sparked my “couldn’t do anything else” attitude. I really could not do anything else with my life. I really feel as if being brought up in a comfortable safe environment with a strong church background has impacted the way I feel about things, but not in the way you would think. I have a better understanding of who I am, who my friends are and where my life is going, but have been taught to be understanding, supportive and kind to others with different stories to mine. My faith is a big part of my life and is the root of my sense of community in life. To walk with others who feel and understand alongside me is a gift, the friendships I have made through youth groups as a younger teenager and musical festivals and Easter camps are ones that I can never let go of and the comfort that brings has been such a blessing in my life, alongside my relationship with my faith. Another key part of my life is music. Like a backing track to my everyday life, I can’t go anywhere without music in my ears, blasting through my radio or even just stuck in my head. Music brings calm, excitement and creative energy to my life and helps me to experience the world in colours that I can’t see. My attitude in life has always been to take things as they come, live life unafraid of what might happen (that one can sometimes get me into trouble) and to not fear your talent, ability or creative mind.

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