StoryWorlds | Timeline Assignment Part 2 – SOCIAL CULTURE

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Referenced in Visual: 

  • ‘My Own Private Idaho’ Gus Van Sant 1991
  • ‘Trixie Belden’ Kathryn Kenny 1948-1986
  • ‘Romeo + Juliet’ Baz Luhrmann 1996
  • Stevie Knicks photographed by Unknown 1976
  • The Wild Thornberrys’ 1998-2004
  • The Great Gatsby’ F. Scott Fitzgerald 1925
  • Lord of the Flies’ William Golding 1954
  • Stand By Me’ Rob Reiner 1986
  • ‘The Folk of the Faraway Tree’ Enid Blyton 1946



1824 Invention of Thaumatrope (Introduces ‘persistence of vision’ concept)

1832 Invention of Fantascope

1839 Introduction of Celluloid Film

1861 Invention of Kinematoscope

1888 Introduction of the first portable Kodak film camera (using film on wooden rollers)

1895 Auguste and Louis Lumière invent the Cinèmatograph (combination camera and projector) and host the first private screening

1899 Movie theatre in Philadelphia is the first of it’s kind

1900 Production companies begin to create feature films for widespread audiences

1903 The first Western ‘The Great Train Robbery’ by Edwin S. Porter debuts

1910 Thomas Edison invents the Kinetophone, allowing audio in film

1911 D. W. Griffith’s ‘Enoch Arden’ becomes the first ever feature length film

1915 D. W. Griffith’s ‘The Birth of a Nation’ introduces several narrative devices, such as the flashback and the close-up

1924 Walt Disney creates his first cartoon ‘Alice’s Wonderland’

1925 Ben Hur’ becomes the most expensive film made with a budget of $3.95 million USD

1928 Walt Disney’s Galloping Gaucho and Steamboat Willie become the first cartoons with sound, also the inaugural Academy Awards are held at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood

1934 ‘It Happened One Night’ starring Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable wins 3 Academy Awards

1935 Technicolour film is introduced

1937 Walt Disney’s first feature length film ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarves’ debuts to box office success

1939 ‘Gone With the Wind’ premieres, going on to become one of the most profitable films of all time at $192 million USD

1946 The inaugural Cannes Film Festival is held in France

1952 Premiere of the first feature length 3d film ‘Bwana Devil’ 

1953 Wide-Screen techniques such as CinemaScope are developed to counteract the popularity of television seen first in ‘The Robe’

1960 The premiere of Alfred Hitchcocks ‘Psycho’ cements it as one of the most famous psychological thrillers ever made

1961 Breakfast at Tiffany’s’ starring Audrey Hepburn debuts, winning multiple Oscars and becoming an instant classic

1965 ‘Sound of Music’ premieres and continues to be one of the most popular movie musicals of all time

1968 Motion picture rating systems are implemented to police the viewing of certain films

1976 The first use of Steadicam is seen in ‘Rocky’

1977 The first instalment of the ‘Star Wars’ franchise is released

1994 Steven Spielberg wins the Academy Award for best director with ‘Schindler’s List’

1997 Titanic’ Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet premieres, and, for 12 years, remained the highest grossing film ever made with $1.843 billion USD made internationally

1998 Titanic’ wins a record 11 Academy Awards

2001 The category of Best Animated Feature is introduced to the Academy Awards. ‘Shrek’ directed by New Zealander Andrew Adamson, takes it home

2006 The Walt Disney co. acquires Pixar Animations

2007 Home video giant ‘Netflix’ launches an online presence, creating the first site where customers can legally stream movies straight to their personal devices, in only 3 years, the company would garner 20 million subscribers

2009 Avatar’ directed by James Cameron premieres, quickly becoming the highest grossing movie of all time grossing $2.7 billion USD worldwide

2014 Netflix releases their first feature length, original film ‘Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: The Green Legend’ on the platform, prompting a great change in the film industry in regards to format and projection




In Film | September 20th, 2011 8 Comments. (n.d.). The Birth of Film: 11

Firsts in Cinema. Retrieved November 16, 2017, from

Dixon, W. W. (2008). A short history of film. London: I. B. Tauris.

Film History Milestones. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2017, from

Film History Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2017, from

Movie Timeline. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2017, from



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